100 Days of Code Reflection


On Jan 17th, I started the 100DaysOfCodeChallgene, and over the past six months I have been learning how to be a front-end web developer and I am now proud to present to you the 100th day of all my work. . While it has been more than 100 days, out of the 100 days are the ones I recorded and posted on my Twitter(when I remembered to). I have taken week-long breaks (just got back from a week-long NYC trip as of this post), went on multiple vacations, and worked during this challenge which has contributed to why this challenge was not completed in exactly 100 days. But overall, I am proud of the efforts, things I have learned, and projects I have built during this challenge. I am excited to share this journey with you in this post! Below are some of the achievements I have made in this project in no specific order.

Achievement Breakdown

I have decided to break my achievements into a few categories: tutorial-followed projects, self-built projects, and achievements. The tutorial projects were made during my Bootcamp or tutorials that I followed to make the whole project or pieces of the project. Then I have projects that I have created using my own brain! I am most proud of these projects because it truly shows that I have retained the knowledge to be able to create such websites or web apps. Lastly, I have the projects that I am still working on or plan to refactor after I get a better grasp of ReactJs. In the end, I will also post my most proud achievements, and current classes I am taking and plan to take.

Over the past 100 recorded days(six months) I have learned and created. . .

Languages I have learned. HTML/CSS/JS A little bit of Python A little bit of React JS

Tutorial Projects


Unit Conversion app


Dice Game

Rpg Game

Search Bar

2 Wordle Clones

API Apps

War API Card game

Blackjack Api Cards

Personal Dashboard (uses 3 different APIS)

Non-Tutorial projects

API Apps

16-day forecast

API Color Picker

Move Watchlist


Password Generator

Pomodoro Timer

Portfolio Site

Parallax site

Apps in progress

Mtg card collector

Neverending fanfiction blog site

Pomodoro Timer

CN web scraper

You can view all of the projects I build here at my Github


CS50 Certificate

FCC JS Certificate

2 Web Developer Instructor contracts

Current Classes I am taking or plan to finish

Knowledgehunt's front-end web developer

Scrimba's front-end webdeveloper

Colt's Udemy Web Developer Bootcamp 2022

A handful of Udemy Courses

Closing thoughts

Overall I think I have a great foundation of work and materials to look back on if I think I am fading on some of my skills( which I know I am!). By far, refreshing the skills that I have used in other projects or coming back into the groove of code after a vacation or dry spell has been the most struggling factor in these 100 days, but I know I have a plethora of resources and built projects that I can look back onto to build upon. My biggest advice to give to anyone taking this challenge is to save everything and learn anything that excites you! It is so easy to get caught up in not knowing what to build due to all the freedom you have with the skills you learn, but I have found it much easier to build upon the things you enjoy or use sites such as Frontend mentor to make those decisions for you. Also, change the tutorial projects into your own by adding things from previous courses or inquiries.

Also, as a good friend keeps telling me, "Apply to jobs!". Even if you think your skills are not attuned the way you want them to be, you may be surprised with the interviews you get, you will be sad with the rejections you receive, you will worry about the no response backs, BUT you will be thrilled when you land that first position as a developer or developer instructor!

If any of this was enlightening, encouraging, or helpful please follow my Twitter to stay updated with my current projects.